The founder of Eco-Pottery Studios is Jill Roig, a modern ceramic artist based in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Jill draws inspiration from the eco-arts movement. She creates handmade, local art for intentional living.
Jill has developed a unique methodology of melting glass and crystal into natural clay, glazing to reveal textures, and kiln firing to 2,100 degrees. This creates one-of-a-kind eco-pottery that remind of us of our connection to Mother Earth.
Eco-Pottery has appeared in the world-renowned Heard Museum for Artlink Phoenix's 17th Annual Juried Exhibition. The studio has been selected for an additional 16 museum and gallery exhibitions including: Shemer Art Center and Museum, West Valley Arts Council, Art Intersection, {9} Gallery, IceHouse and Urban Southwest.
Black clay, glass and crystals are Jill's favorite materials to work with when creating Eco-Pottery. She loves clay not only for its eco-art credentials but also because of the amazing variety of shapes, textures and forms it takes on, reflecting a wide range of human emotion.
Through Eco-Pottery we reflect on the beauty of what happens when natural materials are transformed by creativity and innovation.
Jill's signature technique of melting glass and crystals into clay creates evocative and intentional art.
Inviting eco-art into your home creates an environment to experience more prescence, inspiration and joy.
Eco-Pottery Studios was born from a place of creative and spiritual discovery of intentional living. Art that makes us feel and connect become essential ingredients in the ritual of modern living.
Jill's artwork is directly influenced by the natural world. Her art is heavily informed by the imagery and mysticism of Sedona and the natural beauty of the Sonoran desert.
As an east-coast transplant, Jill now enjoys practicing yoga, hiking and traveling.
Let’s allow for the possibility of eco-art creating small moments of beauty and transcendence, within this complicated world.
Eco-Pottery Studios is meant to inspire the dreamer within us all.
It's time to build community, together. Let's connect!